January 24, 2024

Earn More With Remarketing

At Adgrow, we understand that the key to thriving in affiliate marketing is ensuring that our partners reap the benefits of their collaboration with us. We're constantly exploring ways to maximize the profit potential of the traffic our partners provide.

One effective solution we've discovered is Remarketing, a strategy that can significantly amplify the returns for both our partners and advertisers. Let's dive into the details.


How Remarketing works?

Within the traffic stream generated by our partners, only a few converts into paid users who contribute to the advertiser's profit. However, there's a substantial segment of users who demonstrate a genuine interest in the platform but need that extra push to make a payment and commit.

This is where Remarketing comes in – an additional promotional effort targeting registered users, reminding them of the platform's offerings and encouraging them to return for more entertainment.

We ensure our partners are duly rewarded for implementing remarketing on their end, creating an additional revenue stream from the traffic they've already provided. Leveraging in-depth product analytics, we identify users on dating sites who are most likely to re-engage. Partners are compensated for effectively reaching out to this audience and encouraging them to return to the platform.


Benefits of Remarketing:


If you're interested to implement remarketing to your affiliate strategy, don't hesitate to reach out to your dedicated manager for more information.

And if you're not a part of our affiliate network yet but possess high-quality tier-1 traffic for dating sites, simply fill out the form to explore the possibilities.

Join us in maximizing your affiliate marketing potential with the strategic power of remarketing!


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